South Sacramento games to unite community

Paul Towers

On Saturday, July 17, South Sacramento residents and organizations will celebrate a year’s worth of planning efforts towards building a healthier region through the “South Sacramento Games.”

The South Sacramento region faces many challenges, from unhealthy food and lack of health care to inadequate transportation and violence. Residents have banded together to build a healthier community over the next decade.

“The South Sacramento Games represent the spirit of cooperation and community building taking place in South Sacramento,” said Elaine Abelaye, director of Asian Resources, Inc., and one of the event co-coordinators. “Tackling neighborhood challenges doesn’t happen overnight, but when we bring neighbors together can we begin to build healthier, more vibrant communities for the long-run.”

Over the course of the day, residents will participate in a variety of community games, led by youth trainers and referees, that are meant to foster a spirit of cooperation among neighborhoods. These games include I Love My Neighbor, Pruie, People to People, Trading Places, and Capture the Dragon’s Tail. In this last game, dozens of participants link arms to build a dragon and then the head of the dragon tries to catch up with the tail. The end result is difficult coordination of residents working together.

“Through community games we can laugh and play together,” said Megan Cao, one of the youth leaders of the Games. “And only when we do these things, can we break down the barriers and build new relationships.”

Participants will also have an opportunity to sample a wide variety of eclectic food from South Sacramento, representing many international cultures and people. Approximately 500-1000 people are expected to be in attendance.

Many elected officials and community leaders are expected to attend, including Councilmember Kevin McCarty.

Learn more about the event here.

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