Author: Veronica Moscoso

Group prenatal visits improve birth outcomes for mother and child

In this story we go to Life Long Medical Care in Berkeley, where we met Ana Maria Negrete five weeks from the due date of her first child. Negrete is a part of new model for pre-natal care called CenteringPregnancy — where expectant mothers participate in group checkups which provide support, education and health assessment. Studies show that this type of pre-natal care leads to better birth outcomes for both mother and child.

Latina Center empowers women to turn their lives around

In this story we go to Richmond, where a mother of three, Alejandra Escobedo, was trapped in an abusive relationship. Like other immigrants in her situation, she didn’t speak English and didn’t have a job. It was hard to see a way out, until she found The Latina Center — an organization that helps Latinas move forward and become leaders in their community.

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