Associated Press

A Mobile Medical Home: Vans Bring the Clinic to Patients

A guitarist plucked a folksy melody as families strolled around Irvine’s Great Park on a recent Sunday. That’s when Araceli Lopez from Lake Forest spotted the Smile Mobile, a fully equipped RV that brings dental services to locations around Orange County. She quickly volunteered her three daughters for an impromptu checkup.

Co-Housing Entices Families and Seniors

Greg Kelly was looking for an alternative to the isolation that can come with suburban living. He hated how in many suburban neighborhoods, people barely interact with their neighbors, spend most of their time in cars and struggle to keep their families going all on their own.

Rural Californians Also Face High Housing Costs

California residents pay dearly to live in the Golden state. Nearly half of California residents experienced a “high housing cost burden” in 2012, which means that the cost of their housing — including mortgage, home insurance, utilities and property taxes for homeowners and rent and utilities for renters — consumed more than 30 percent of their income.

Strange bedfellows unite to help older adults

In the near future, successful care for older adults will depend on bold and creative collaborations.

That’s the message aging pioneer Ken Dychtwald gave last month’s Aging in America conference. Dychtwald, CEO of the consulting group Age Wave, might as well have been describing the “strange bedfellows” collaboration between two organizations often considered mortal enemies – a county aging services agency and a managed health care plan

Clinics Wait For More Patients in Obamacare Wake

St. James Health Center is ready for the onslaught. The community health clinic, one of the busiest in San Jose, sits on the corner of 2nd and Julian streets near downtown. Doctors, dentists, pharmacists and other health-care providers here treat some of the poorest patients in Santa Clara County — patients whom many expect to have newly-minted health insurance this year as the federal Affordable Care Act kicks in.

The Waiting Room: L.A. County’s Medi-Cal Backlog

As the deluge of applications for Medi-Cal through continues to flood into Covered California, local health advocacy groups and providers throughout Los Angeles County say the sizable enrollment backlog is delaying health care services for needy residents.

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