Associated Press

Medicare Extends Mental Health Benefits; Patients Find Doctor Shortage

Medicare coverage for outpatient mental health care is now in line with medical coverage, thanks to a law that closed the gap as of Jan. 1. Experts say it’s a step in dispelling long-standing disparities between the two, but the change addresses only one of many hurdles in providing seniors with adequate mental health care.

The faces of Obamacare in Humboldt County

In many ways, Jude Ehrlich is the face of federal health reform on the northern California coast. The good face, anyway. The 44-year-old McKinleyville man never used to have much trouble getting health insurance. He had employee-offered plans until 2000, when he started his own small business and purchased his own policy, which helped cover his treatments for psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis, migraines and other health problems.

This Green House Grows Humans

California’s innovative concept in skilled nursing care, The Green House Project, is intended to foster an environment for older adults to thrive. As described by Green House founder Dr. Bill Thomas, the difference in these new facilities is simple: “Love matters.”

California’s LGBT Elders: Older, Wiser and Back in the Closet

When Paula Pilecki approached 26 assisted living facilities in Marin County about making their facilities more receptive to all sexual orientations, she was shocked at the response. “Almost all of them said ‘There are no gay people in our facilities so we don’t have to do that.”

A Unique Caregiver Program: “We Come to You.”

One of California’s most deeply embedded community aging organizations is responding to the crisis of at-home caregivers with an intriguing model for stressed out, isolated family members. At the heart of this effort is the new Mobile Caregiver Support Center – a small bus loaded with educational materials and staff experts who provide insulated caregivers with answers and hope.

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