Associated Press

The DNA of Disparities

Everybody carries the potential for diseases in their genes, but that potential doesn’t always result in illnesses. What flips the genetic switch to create disease in some people and not in others? And even more critically, why is it that those who have ongoing exposure to stress—living in a violent neighborhood or below the poverty level, for example—are more prone to such diseases? Answers may be found in dark matter.

Fieldworkers who breastfeed find support

The federally funded program known as Women, Infants and Children, or WIC, is better known for providing food stamps to needy families, but it also encourages mothers to breastfeed through support and peer counseling. In Salinas, the Monterey County program has zeroed in on farmworkers who are new moms.

Losing Babies

African-American babies are more than twice as likely to die before their first birthday as white babies. Are current prevention efforts enough to close the health gap?

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