
How One Prison-Based Program Is Working to End the Cycle of Violence

The Victim Offender Education Group, a restorative justice-centered program at a prison in Chino, is working to rehabilitate people who have caused harm.

The curriculum is grounded in principles of restorative justice, commonly defined as an alternative to punitive justice that promotes healing for the person who was harmed, the person who carried out the harm, and both of their communities.

New on Student ID Cards: a Hotline to Address Teen Dating Violence

Starting in January, a new California law will require all ID badges for students in seventh through 12th grades and in higher education institutions to carry the National Domestic Violence Hotline number, or that of a local domestic violence hotline. One in three teens in the United States is a victim of physical, sexual, emotional or verbal abuse from a dating partner, statistics show.

We Need to Stop Normalizing Gun Violence

As my generation has grown up, we have had to bear witness to more and more reports of gun violence—like the school shooting Friday in Santa Fe, Texas.

This is an issue so many people stand for, because it comes down to one basic thing: safety.

How a Retired Catholic School Principal Became a Cannabis Dispenser

A retired Catholic school principal, Taylor isn’t your typical marijuana expert. But that works in her favor, she said, as she strives to remove the stigmatization surrounding medical marijuana.

The 70-year-old plans to open a medical marijuana dispensary in Berkeley in April. Her focus will be educating seniors and minorities on the medical benefits of cannabis.

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