
Opinion: Medi-Cal Rate Changes Threaten Mental Health Access

The number of Californians with untreated mental health conditions is increasing.

At its root, the lack of access and insufficient treatment for mental health conditions is driven by declining insurance coverage and low reimbursement rates to providers, according to the author, who urges policymakers to listen to monitor rates to ensure that more Californians can access the care they need.

Why Emergency Medical Services Are Vital to Our Health Care System

When dialing 911 for a medical emergency, the expectation is clear: Licensed health care providers, typically paramedics and emergency medical technicians, will arrive within minutes at your location, any time of the day or night.

Despite these responsibilities, emergency medical services are often overlooked in health care reform discussions. A compelling opportunity exists to shift lower-acuity and preventive care services from expensive medical clinics and hospitals to community-based EMS care.

Analysis: How I Turned from Violence to Healing and Reconciliation

Twenty-seven years ago, Devon Gaster was in jail, but had started down a path that would change his life forever.

Devon’s experience healing himself and his family through restorative justice has taught him that being accountable taking responsibility makes it possible to heal and change. With the right tools and support, Gaster writes, men can learn about intimate partner violence and stop their abuse.

How I Used Restorative Justice to Heal Myself and My Family

For Lisbet Pérez, the restorative justice framework helped her family heal after leaving an abusive relationship. She was skeptical at first, but soon found a way to reconnected with her children’s father.

Through the process, she learned that her family could grow and heal through their own resilience, and that leaning on the support of her community would create the safe environment her children needed.

Opinion: Older Californians Need Support to Age at Home. Funding it Is Critical

California, through the Master Plan on Aging, has led the nation in recognizing the unique and increasingly urgent needs of older adults.

But Gov. Newsom’s recently released budget proposal for the 2025-26 fiscal year could cut aging and disability-focused programs. We’ve heard firsthand from older adults, people with disabilities and family caregivers about the challenges in accessing support and affordable housing. Many people feel left behind by the system.

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