
Why Emergency Medical Services Are Vital to Our Health Care System

When dialing 911 for a medical emergency, the expectation is clear: Licensed health care providers, typically paramedics and emergency medical technicians, will arrive within minutes at your location, any time of the day or night.

Despite these responsibilities, emergency medical services are often overlooked in health care reform discussions. A compelling opportunity exists to shift lower-acuity and preventive care services from expensive medical clinics and hospitals to community-based EMS care.

Power Blackouts Spark Medical, Financial Emergencies for California’s Most Vulnerable

A state auditor’s report released this week found that California is unprepared to protect its most vulnerable residents during natural disasters, including those who have disabilities or are medically fragile. That’s despite the fact that a quarter of the state’s population lives in an area at risk of wildfire, and 20 percent of Californians are either over the age of 65 or have a disability.

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