
Opinion: We Need Clear, Fact-Based Guidance to Recover from Trump’s Public Charge Rule

Years of xenophobic rhetoric and anti-immigrant policies have fostered deeply entrenched fears and widespread misinformation that keep immigrants from accessing critical resources.

We need a proactive, collaborative approach to begin healing the harm caused by the Trump administration’s public charge rule. From community organizations to state agencies, we must provide clear guidance to families and tackle fear with facts.

Opinion: Trump Is Traumatizing Children. California Must Protect Them

The federal administration’s attacks on immigrant families and children have been relentless. An entire generation of children is being traumatized.

As the daughter of immigrants and the president of a children’s advocacy organization that advocates for the healthy development and wellbeing of all children, this period of crisis is both personal and professional.

How Does Racism Affect Health? California Doctors Speak Out

Medical providers in California and nationwide are increasingly recognizing that racism and discrimination affect children’s health, and they’re seeking to tackle the problem. Last month, the American Academy of Pediatrics issued its first policy statement on how racism affects the health and development of children and teens.

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